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News — Machinery

Anaheim ATX Show

Posted by Richard Borek on

We hope you can join us here from 12-14 Feb 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center, we have all our products and more.  Introducing the new Switch box and Multi-Purpose boxes we are giving our guests a sneak peak at things to come.  Our Switch Boxes are stunning with the brilliant colors making safety the focus with Bright Caution Yellow and Emergency Red these Switch boxes tell the user exactly what it is for without words. The new Hinge Box brings such great capabilities as a Multi Purpose box the posssibilites are endless.        

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Terminal Enclosure Simply Explained

Posted by Richard Borek on

The market contains many junction boxes numerous terminal blocks and countless Job shops looking to make your next custom enclosure.  This is great for people who want a custom box or enclosure but everyone else is left doing things the hard way.  Schedules frequently require people to build and deploy their solutions on a tight time line which is contrary to the current product offerings on the market.  So if you build machinery, have automation with sensors and robotics or a heating system that needs a rugged junction box there is an easier way. Lets talk about machinery, often times...

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