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News — lite cycle

Terminal Enclosure Simply Explained

Posted by Richard Borek on

The market contains many junction boxes numerous terminal blocks and countless Job shops looking to make your next custom enclosure.  This is great for people who want a custom box or enclosure but everyone else is left doing things the hard way.  Schedules frequently require people to build and deploy their solutions on a tight time line which is contrary to the current product offerings on the market.  So if you build machinery, have automation with sensors and robotics or a heating system that needs a rugged junction box there is an easier way. Lets talk about machinery, often times...

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Terminal Enclosure Data sheets and downloads

Posted by Richard Borek on

Available now on the product pages there is a specifications tab for each of Lite Cycle's Terminal Enclosures.  There is also a tab where you can download the product data sheet and brochure for each of the Terminal Enclosures.  The data sheets contain detailed drawings for mounting and overall dimensions of the product.

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Power-Gen International - Orlando, FL

Posted by Isa Testa on

The Lite Cycle Team is going to be in Orlando for the Power-Gen International Trade Show, from December 11th to 13th! If you are in the area, come visit us at booth 5473! --Update-- Thank you all for visiting us at the show we were excited to have our first show in Sunny Orlando.  With warm welcomes and amazing people we were pleased to share our Efficient Terminal Enclosures with all those visiting. Lite Cycle is dedicated to bringing efficiency to repetitious processes "Cycles" via simplified "Lite" solutions.  In todays market to many people have been sold on complex solutions...

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Lite Cycle

Posted by Isa Testa on

 Efficiency through simplicity. That is Lite Cycle’s focus. We not only help our customers gain efficiency, but also help them sustain and grow efficiently. Our products and services are developed to maximize productivity with minimum waste of time and effort.

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