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10 Position

The 10 Position Terminal Enclosure Collection features our junction boxes used for wiring trunking applications and control connections. This collection is currently offered in two materials: ABS Plastic and Cast Aluminum. The ABS Plastic is available in three color options: Grey (frequent uses include industrial machinery, robotics, commercial wiring, low voltage control systems, solar industry and many more), Ivory (frequently used in medical devices, offices, and other industries that require certain esthetics standards) and Grey Base with Polycarbonate Clear Cover (frequently used in large facilities or equipment where routine inspection is required). Lite Cycle's rugged Cast Aluminum Terminal Enclsoures come with a grey powder coating for additional protection. It's frequent uses include industrial machinery, robotics, welding machines, vessels and automobiles, petrochemical plat facilities, oil feeder and gas supply facilities. All products have passed rigorous testing to meet exceptional quality standards. The ABS Plastic Terminal Enclosures are througly tested and rated according to UL208A:2005 standards. The Cast Aluminum Terminal Enclosures are manufactured and tested to IP67.
